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New Student Orientation 2023

welcome back image

All new students (9th grade and transfer students) and their families should plan to attend the official IHS Orientation on Wednesday, August 2nd, from 11:30 am - 2:30pm. Please arrive by 11:15 am to check-in. During orientation, new students will receive their class schedule and school-issued Chromebooks.
Additionally, students will be greeted by and assigned a student-mentor, receive a walking tour of campus, and learn about various opportunities IHS offers for involvement through clubs, athletics, and performing arts groups.
Lastly, students will receive an important newsletter, order forms for school portraits, and be able to preorder a yearbook for $65 (limited promotion for new students).
Please bring ID (including the summer mailer you schould have received) with you to speed up the process of checking out your electronics.